Frantastique har getts snittbetyget 4,6 / 5 av 7055 användare.
5/5 Tess left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "C'est à quel sujet ?"
5/5 Bjerne left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Bons baisers de la buanderie"
5/5 Klaus left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
4/5 Isabella Anna left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor fait la fête"
5/5 Barbara left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
5/5 Luise-Auguste left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "L'autorité, ça a du bon"
4/5 Shunsuke left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Thierry n'y arrive pas"
4/5 Karine left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Il faut que tu sois là !"
4/5 MARIO FRANCESCO left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "En panne d'inspiration"
5/5 Marianna left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Le supermarché"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "L'inspection des impôts"
4/5 Dorothee left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Jeanine cherche un mec"
5/5 Nada left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : un thon qui sort du lot"
5/5 Elke left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Solange en retard"
5/5 Christina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Les frais de Muriel Petite "
5/5 Werner left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "À quoi sert l'amour ?"
5/5 Angelika left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
3/5 Maria left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
5/5 Irina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 Jean left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Il faut que tu sois là !"
3/5 Ursula left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La journée des « non »"
5/5 Katrina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Trinquer à la française"
4/5 Stefano left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Une perle du Net : Miaou"
4/5 Thomas left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La barbe de Victor"
5/5 Bernhard left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor à la piscine"
5/5 Bernhard left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Il y a comme un rhinocéros"
4/5 Natalia left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Le recrutement"
4/5 Regina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Du bon usage du français"
5/5 Livia left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Il faut que tu sois là !"
5/5 Angeles left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Au boulot !"
5/5 Brigitte left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Spiritisme Téléphone"
4/5 Hans left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "À la recherche de la fille perdue"
5/5 Souhir left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 Manfred left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Coup de foudre cosmique"
4/5 Jaana left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
5/5 Regula left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Aux grandes femmes, l'AIGF reconnaissante"
4/5 Jörg left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Contre la misère"
5/5 Sara left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Fadia left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
4/5 Charis left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Le piston de Thierry Letrone"
5/5 Coşkun left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Un tableau pour le patron"
5/5 Jorge Esteban left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La grève des devoirs"
5/5 None left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Robert De Neuro à la boulangerie"
5/5 Jena left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor se présente aux élections"
5/5 Athina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Les États-Unis d'Europe"
5/5 Johannes left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
5/5 Enrico left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Que sont-ils en train de faire ? "
5/5 Elina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Le mystère des deux Pierre"
4/5 Lia left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Une chanson pour le patron"
5/5 Stella left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Revenons à nos moutons"
4/5 André left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Un nouveau musée pour la planète"
5/5 Curtis left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "L'inspection des impôts"
5/5 Frank left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Combien ça coûte ?"
4/5 Martin left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Un bon steak frites"
4/5 Albrecht left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Montserrat left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Un courriel au Père Noël"
5/5 Martina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La double vie de Victor Hugo"
4/5 Erika left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Eva left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Trinquer à la française"
4/5 Barbara left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Que faire de ses amendes ?"
3/5 Mats left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Muriel Petite tombe en panne"
5/5 Ernesto left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
5/5 Andrew left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Que faire de ses amendes ?"
5/5 selina left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Le stagiaire disparu"
5/5 Gabor left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Bertrand est de retour de vacances"
5/5 Volker left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Flagrant délit"
5/5 Mohamed left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "La journée des « non »"
5/5 Edgar left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "C'est grave, docteur ? 35 heures dans la vie de Solange Petitperrin"
5/5 Wilhelm left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Les débats à la cantine : le droit de vote"
5/5 Arnaldo left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : écriture codée"
5/5 Efren ........ left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Jeanine, une collègue inconnue"
4/5 Kay left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : La mouche tache et le vin"
5/5 Adam left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Je reviendrai à Montréal"
4/5 HJen left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Solange en retard"
5/5 Uday left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "L'aspirateur"
4/5 Chiemi left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Et si on allait à la mer ?"
5/5 Aida left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Fan de Victor"
4/5 ヒデオ left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor Hugo se bat pour l'éducation"
5/5 Eri left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "5 jours dans la vie d’une baguette"
5/5 Thomas left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Victor Hugo se bat pour l'éducation"
5/5 Ramón left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Le rêve de Muriel Petite"
5/5 Marie Berlege left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Un train de retard"
4/5 Cesar left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Un bon steak frites"
5/5 Roxana left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Que faire de ses amendes ?"
5/5 Carol left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "Tu dois me dire « vous »"
5/5 left a rating on 2024/11/22 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
4/5 Diego left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Ma toute première pizza"
5/5 Patrick left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Jeanine cherche un mec"
5/5 Antonio left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 MoonHee left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Le piston de Thierry Letrone"
5/5 Maria left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
4/5 Tayfun left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Le tube du siècle"
4/5 José Rolando left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "C'est grave, docteur ? La maladie culturelle d'Edward Moon"
4/5 Alan left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Les Manèges à Troyes"
5/5 Dirk left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Qui cherche trouve"
4/5 Eva left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Un combat difficile"
4/5 Alexander left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Thierry vs la banque : une sacrée opportunité"
5/5 Chris left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Contre la misère"
4/5 Olivia left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "L’angoisse de la page blanche"
5/5 Bernhard left a rating on 2024/11/21 for the episode "Maudite facture !"
har getts snittbetyget
4,6 / 5
av 7055 användare.