Frantastique har getts snittbetyget 4,6 / 5 av 91674 användare.
5/5 Stevie left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "L'eau à la bouche"
5/5 Andres left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La misère dans le métro"
5/5 Abigail left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Flagrant délit"
5/5 Reinhard left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Jeanine, une collègue inconnue"
4/5 Frederik left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
4/5 Irina left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Fenêtre sur cour"
5/5 MOHAMED left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Comment les gens arrivent à l'AIGF ?"
5/5 Marit left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Victor fait la fête"
5/5 Patrick left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Les retrouvailles de Napoléon et Victor "
5/5 Maciej left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
5/5 Fernanda left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "C'est grave, docteur ? La maladie culturelle d'Edward Moon"
5/5 Hiroo left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La maladie de Muriel"
5/5 Linda left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Bertrand est de retour de vacances"
4/5 Gustavo left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Sauvons « L'Ami papier »"
4/5 Inge left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Ne réveillez pas le chat qui dort"
5/5 Elisabeth left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Robert De Neuro à la boulangerie"
5/5 Marina left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Sous-location chez hôte de la haute"
5/5 Iwona left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
4/5 Ken left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Solange est une ordure"
5/5 Manfred left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Minou, où es-tu ?"
5/5 Francisco left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Thierry au ski"
4/5 Scott left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "L'expression express : laisser tomber"
4/5 Hans left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Coup sur coup : prendre un coup"
5/5 Julia left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "À la recherche de la fille perdue"
4/5 Klaus left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Un moment historique"
5/5 Ulrike left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Au café"
4/5 Patricia left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Un chat aimable entre collègues"
4/5 Magda left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Solange fait ses courses"
4/5 Alexander left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Un cinquième"
5/5 Victor left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Spiritisme Téléphone"
4/5 Frank left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
5/5 Oleh left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Lefebvre a un CDI"
5/5 Andreas left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Un bon steak frites"
4/5 Margareta left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
4/5 Albrecht left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Revenons à nos moutons"
4/5 Mariem left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Les retrouvailles de Napoléon et Victor "
5/5 Enrique Carvajal left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Une proposition qui ne se refuse pas"
5/5 Erzsébet left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : la guerre de l'espresso"
5/5 Edwina left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La tour Eiffel"
4/5 Peter left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
5/5 Raphael left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Thierry est perdu"
3/5 julia left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Le mystère de la cravate perdue"
5/5 Klaus-Peter left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
5/5 Donald left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
4/5 Elisabeth left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Imane left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
3/5 Anette left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La barbe de Victor"
4/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Victor à la piscine"
5/5 Natalie left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Victor Hugo, l'exilé"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Les aventures de Rimbaud et Verlaine"
5/5 Maurilio left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "3615 La bise"
5/5 Daniel left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Le tube du siècle"
4/5 Donald left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La lettre de motivation"
5/5 Alessandra left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Ne réveillez pas le chat qui dort"
5/5 Tony left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "À quoi sert l'amour ?"
5/5 None left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Trinquer à la française"
4/5 Mónica left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La grève des devoirs"
4/5 Noureddine left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "C'est à quel sujet ?"
5/5 Jan-David left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Le rendez-vous du siècle"
5/5 Maria left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La Reine du Canada"
5/5 Theresa left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Ça, c'est étonnant ! "
5/5 Robert left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Tic Tac"
5/5 Maria left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Casser la croûte"
5/5 Simon left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Napoléon veut être muté"
4/5 Karen left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La double vie de Bertrand Lefebvre"
5/5 Carmen left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Trinquer à la française"
4/5 Elena left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
4/5 Pia left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Solange en colère"
5/5 Coşkun left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Jamais sans ma fille"
5/5 Wilhelm left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Le canard et la raclette"
5/5 Ruth left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "En route vers le futur"
4/5 Franz T. left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Critique chronique : l'hôtellerie"
5/5 Frans left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Le piston de Thierry Letrone"
5/5 Elena left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Tu dois me dire « vous »"
5/5 Peter left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Maureen left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
4/5 Teresa left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Sauvons « L'Ami papier »"
5/5 Emile left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Sauver John Brown"
5/5 Mariam left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : scandale chez Glandi."
4/5 Richard left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
4/5 Manfred left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "En panne d'inspiration"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Arij left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La Reine du Canada"
4/5 Lily left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Coup sur coup : boire un coup"
4/5 Petra left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : un client enfin satisfait"
5/5 Claudia left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La lettre de motivation"
5/5 Brigitte left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
5/5 Janine left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Ça va aller !"
5/5 Saidou left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
4/5 Eberhard left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
5/5 Renate left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Le rendez-vous du siècle"
5/5 Javier left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
5/5 Jan left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Les Français ne se lavent pas"
5/5 Claudia left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Jeanine cherche un mec"
4/5 Agustín left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Au boulot !"
4/5 JULIO left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "À la recherche de la fille perdue"
4/5 Thomas left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "La misère dans le métro"
5/5 Serhii left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode ""B" comme baguette"
5/5 Birgit left a rating on 2025/02/20 for the episode "Il y a comme un rhinocéros"
har getts snittbetyget
4,6 / 5
av 91674 användare.