Michelle P História
As histórias de outras pessoas com frequência inspiram as nossas próprias vidas.
Aqui estão algumas histórias autênticas de usuários reais que nos inspiram — conte-nos a sua!
(EN) My three grandchildren live in the UK, and I haven't had a chance to improve my English level for some time now. Sometimes, I'm confused when there are a lot of technical IT terms in my lessons, but I do enjoy the fact that my grandchildren congratulate me on my progress. (FR) J’ai 3 petits enfants qui vivent en Angleterre et un niveau d’anglais arrêté il y a longtemps. Mes leçons me laissent un peu perplexes quand il y a beaucoup de termes techniques d’informatique mais j’apprécie quand mes petits enfants me félicitent sur mes progrès.
— Michelle P. (Saint Jean de Luz, FRANCE)