Sidsel L História
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Aqui estão algumas histórias autênticas de usuários reais que nos inspiram — conte-nos a sua!

Hello Gymglish teachers! Thank you very much for the educational English lessons I get from you. It is nice that you want a letter from me and want to know me a little better. My name is Sidsel. I am a 68-year-old woman, living in a small town in South Norway. I have been retired for some years now but work beside my retirement in a nursing home. I have three adult children, and am grandmother to four wonderful grandchildren, whom I am very proud of, and I love them all. The reason why I want to learn English is because I want to understand the language better, and I want to read English books. Quite simply, I have to learn a lot of new vocabulary and I have to learn the grammar. It's not easy for an old lady, but I try to do my best. For the past six months, most of my free time has been spent doing English homework. I am very happy with Google Translate! In my spare time I like to relax at home with movies, listen to podcasts, reading books and enjoy time with my family. A couple of times a year I travel to the north-west of our long, narrow country to visit my mother. She is also a Gymglish student, so we do our English lessons together when I visit her. Please don't laugh at my poor English grammar in this letter….. as much as I laugh at the funny stories in your English lessons. I really enjoy your lessons and look forward to every email from Gymglish. I wish all of you Gymglish teachers a wonderful time before Christmas. Best regards from Sidsel
— Sidsel L. (Arendal, NORWAY)