Alexander D História
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Aqui estão algumas histórias autênticas de usuários reais que nos inspiram — conte-nos a sua!
Hello! My name is Alexander! I'm from Moscow. I work in a bank, and study at the university to be a linguist. I really increase my English skill with your service to learn English. For me, it is the best learning program I ever tried. I have good friends from other countries. I like travelling. Next July, I'm going to Cuba to the wedding my of good German and Cuban friends. I looked for some programs to learn Spanish, but I can find one like yours. My hobbies are cooking, playing piano, playing Playstation games, dogs, cinema, tv-shows, hiking, caves, diving and other interesting things. And your program helps me to learn English and gain more and more and more understanding every day. I hope your service will teach us for long time. Thank you! Sincerely, Alexander Dayanov
— Alexander D. (Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION)