Thierry W História

As histórias de outras pessoas com frequência inspiram as nossas próprias vidas.
Aqui estão algumas histórias autênticas de usuários reais que nos inspiram — conte-nos a sua!

Hello, I have been a Gymglish addict for several months now - indeed I wait for my lesson every day, and start off my morning by doing it... and I am very disappointed when I don't receive it! After completing my lesson, I feel like I can start other things, and begin to work. During my holidays in July I hosted an old friend from California I hadn't seen for 25 years; I planned a trip in France for us both, and we vsited Paris, Normandy, Ré and Yeu islands, La Rochelle and the Marciac jazz festival for a week. It was so nice to be guide for him and to have him visit some parts of France, while we caught up and talked about many things. My friend Tom took 3500 pictures and he is making a printed book from a his photos. To end my story, I would say I have been retired for one year but I am still working as a free lance consultant in urban planning. I started learning Chinese 4 months ago, so that I can visit my youngest son who will leave for China next week to study Sichuan University in Chongqing.