Bernadette S História

As histórias de outras pessoas com frequência inspiram as nossas próprias vidas.
Aqui estão algumas histórias autênticas de usuários reais que nos inspiram — conte-nos a sua!

During lockdown, my English courses suddenly stopped and my gym closed down. I was very upset and began to be depressed and sad. I missed English, so I began searching for English courses on the Internet, and that's when I found you. It was a miracle: every day I spent several hours reading your crazy stories which made me laugh. Stink, the perfumer’s dog, Icarus and his stories are completely crazy. Jean Marron has a funny accent. Now I spend my morning with you and I have 2 notebooks, that I continue to write in. Sometimes, I laugh out loud and alone, people must think I'm crazy! You are very resourceful, full of imagination and fantasy. Sometimes, l’m disappointed in myself because I lose some points and make silly mistakes. I go everywhere with you, and I think I have made progress in oral comprehension and grammar. I don't like expressions too much, often I don't really understand American expressions and metaphors. But you are a part of my life. My one regret is that we can’t work our oral expression. I am 71 and I hope that we will stay together for a long time.

— Bernadette S. (Granzay, FRANCE)