Jean-Jacques B História

As histórias de outras pessoas com frequência inspiram as nossas próprias vidas.
Aqui estão algumas histórias autênticas de usuários reais que nos inspiram — conte-nos a sua!

I usually do my lessons in the evening. I am very thorough because I want to improve as much as I can. I retired in March 2020, which means I no longer have the opportunity to practice my second language which is English. If I don't want to lose the knowledge I have acquired, I have to be thorough in my learning. Gymglish allows me to have this rigor. I really like the concept and the only real improvement would be the possibility of practicing our pronunciation with dedicated exercises. I do believe that with artificial intelligence this would be possible. Long live Gymglish. (FR) Je fais mes leçons habituellement en soirée. Je suis très assidu, car je veux maintenir mes acquis. J’ai pris ma retraite en mars 2020, dont je n’ai plus l’opportunité de pratiquer ma langue seconde qui est l’anglais. Si je ne veux pas perdre les connaissances acquises, je dois être rigoureux dans mon apprentissage. Gymglish me permet d’avoir cette rigueur. J’aime beaucoup le concept et le seul élément qui pourrait-être à développer, serait la possibilité de pouvoir pratiquer la prononciation avec des exercices en conséquences. Je crois bien qu’avec de l’intelligence artificielle, cela serait possible. Longue vie à Gymglish.

— Jean-Jacques B. (Varennes, CANADA)