Tenzin Dhondup K História
As histórias de outras pessoas com frequência inspiram as nossas próprias vidas.
Aqui estão algumas histórias autênticas de usuários reais que nos inspiram — conte-nos a sua!
My name is Tenzin Dhondup KHANGSAR and I am from Tibet. I am a Tibetan who came to France in August 2017 as a political refugee. I have always been inspired by others who speak French fluently, but my level is still basic and I would love to be able to speak French just like the French do. I love France and I will die for Tibet and France until the day I entered this vast country and the day I was born in my own country. Long live France and long live Tibet.
— Tenzin Dhondup K. (Boissy Saint Léger, Il de France, FRANCE)