Tradução & Definição

You have reached the voice mail (of Susan Bliss): Você está na caixa postal (de Susan Bliss) idiom
You have reached 555-1212. Você ligou para 555-1212.


  • "Icarus : You have reached the voicemail of Icarus Quincy."
  • "Answer phone voice : You have reached the voicemail of"
  • "Bruno : You have reached the voicemail of Bruno Delavigne."
  • "Telephone : You have reached the voicemail of Brian Jones!"
  • "Message : (In Chinese) Greetings, you have reached the voicemail of Woo Xiao Xiao."
  • "Bruno : Hello you've reached the voice mail of Bruno Delavigne."
  • "You have reached the voice mail of Icarus Archibald Quincy."
  • "Voice mail : Hello, you have reached the voice mail of the one and only Philip Cheeter."
  • "You have reached the voicemail of intern Edward Moon."
  • "Horatio : You have reached the voicemail machine of Horatio Oléré, the head of research and development at the Delavigne Corporation and an aspiring massage therapist."

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