Tradução & Definição

the winter: o inverno noun
It hasn't been very cold this winter. Este inverno não tem sido muito frio.


  • "Average winter temperature in Finland?"
  • "Wendy : Hello, Winter Wonderland Travel customer support, Wendy speaking."
  • "The following winter however, Bruno suffered an unfortunate accident which would change the course of his destiny."
  • "To: Winter Wonderland Travel Customer Support"
  • "Icarus : Well, I wanted to get a pair of gloves for my mother, her hands get very cold during the winter season..."
  • "In winter I put socks in the windows to keep warm."
  • "The last time I saw you was at the San Francisco Fragrance Expo last winter!"
  • "My name's Rachel and I'm calling from Winter Wonderland Travel."
  • "The following winter however, Bruno suffered an unfortunate accident that would change his life forever."

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