Tradução & Definição

the Wild West, the Old West: o Velho Oeste idiom


  • "So, what brings you to to the wild west?"
  • "Warbuckle : Welcome to Warbuckle's saloon, the "drinkingest" saloon in the Wild West!"
  • "Horatio : ...I met her in the Wild West."
  • "The fastest woman in the Wild West, and I reckon I should show this horse what happens when horses cheat at cards."
  • "Hannah : Well I've heard there are special "event organizers" that plan theme events in interesting locations, say for example a "Wild West" party on a ranch where everyone gets dressed up as cowboys."
  • "Warbuckle : Welcome to Warbuckle's saloon, the drinkingest saloon in the wild west."

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