Tradução & Definição

wholesale: venda por atacado noun
We sell our furniture at wholesale prices! Nós vendemos nossos móveis a preços de atacado.
a wholesaler: um atacadista noun

UK: The company's wholesale suppliers offer good value.
US: Krazy Gidyon sells quality goods at wholesale prices.


  • "Bruno's Brew is the most popular perfume in Brazil, and as things stand, I have nothing to give our wholesalers for the Christmas rush."
  • "Philip is responsible for the sales team, and supervises sales through all distribution channels: wholesale, retail, etcetera."
  • "You oversee all sales - both wholesale and retail - and lead the sales department as well as working with your own key clients."
  • "Now, imagine we sell two of these bottles to a wholesaler;"
  • "Wholesale Manufacturing and Production"
  • "Specifically, the invoice called for 5,000 bottles to be produced for wholesale and retail distribution in France, and close to 15,000 bottles were actually produced."
  • "Philip is responsible for the entire sales team, and supervises sales through all distribution channels: wholesale, retail, etcetera."

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