Tradução & Definição

this type of thing, this sort of thing: este tipo de coisa idiom
I'm not really used to dealing with this type of thing. Não estou acostumado a lidar com este tipo de coisa.


  • "Icarus : Oh I just thought I'd have a look around, you know, count some perfume bottles, that sort of thing."
  • "Curtis Blow : I'll be inspecting your facilities, looking out for any hazards, that sort of thing."
  • "Like most companies, we've already introduced the quick fixes: paper recycling, energy-saving light bulbs, reductions to our photocopying and printer use, that sort of thing."
  • "Horatio : The sort of thing you play with a bow?"
  • "You know, just hanging out, playing some golf, leading the free world, that sort of thing."
  • "Jonas : Umm. Cars, mobile phones, paper products, chemicals, steel and wood... that sort of thing."
  • "You know journalists and reporters, that sort of thing."
  • "Moira : Lance, I've heard of this sort of thing happening at middle schools and even high schools, but at a primary school?"
  • "You know...just hanging out...playing some golf...leading the free world...that sort of thing."
  • "Reporter : You know, the basics: what country you were born in, how long you've been living in the States, whether or not you're an illegal alien, you know that sort of thing."

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