Tradução & Definição

a turnout: uma taxa de participação, de presença, de assistência noun
There was a good turnout at the polls this year. Houve um alto índice de participação nas eleições desse ano.


  • "There was a decent turnout: Icarus, Luna, and Philip all made it."
  • "Brent : Good morning listeners and welcome to today's Radio Rhubarb political segment, where we'll be talking about voter turnout."
  • "Let's move on to today's topic: voter turnout."
  • "I'm glad to welcome you all here to the Luxor Lakes Resort and Casino, and I'm happy to see such a great turnout for this event."
  • "Of course, our friends in Australia have found a drastic solution to the problem of low turnouts."
  • "Glad to see such a fine turnout."
  • "Please let me know ASAP whether you are available: I'm hoping for a great turnout."
  • "Voter turnout all over the developed world has been in decline since the 1960's."
  • "Bruno : Welcome everybody, what a great turnout we have here."

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