Tradução & Definição

(it's) true: (é) verdade adjective
(it's) untrue: (é) falso adjective
an untrue person uma pessoa falsa


  • "Lucie : Yes, Philip, but isn't it true that you had a violent verbal confrontation with Stink?"
  • "That's true."
  • "The board of the IACF thought it only fitting that you, one of the true pioneers in the fragrance and cosmetic community, deliver the speech to mark the Vicennial anniversary of our organization."
  • "Is it true that you were with him on the night in question?"
  • "Don't be cruel, to a heart that's true..."
  • "Horatio : True, true and very true."
  • "I screamed at him to stop, and said "you son of a bitch", which is technically true, but my client thought I was talking to him!"
  • "Icarus : Yes, it is true."
  • "Horatio : It's true."
  • "If what you say is true, things are worse than I thought."

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Mais testemunhos.