Tradução & Definição

a trowel: uma espátula noun
The term "trowel" is used for two slightly different terms. The first is a gardening tool used to make holes in soil before planting plants. The second is a flat version, used in building for smoothing cement between bricks.


  • "The Supertrowel!"
  • "The Supertrowel fits onto the handle of any trowel of any size and extends the exact distance from your arm to the ground, no matter how far away!"
  • "The Supertrowel: it saved my marriage – it can save yours!"
  • "Well now there's help, now there's "Supertrowel"!"
  • "The Supertrowel also comes with a non-slip grip for accuracy and detachable magnifying lens for really small weeds."
  • "The Supertrowel fits onto the handle of any trowel of any size and extends the exact distance from your arm to the ground, no matter how far away!"

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