Tradução & Definição

trouble: um problema, uma dificuldade, um inconveniente noun
to be in trouble, to have troubles: ter problemas idiom
to get into trouble: atrair problemas idiom

UK: The company is in financial trouble and also troubled by union disputes.
US: The trouble with your proposal is that it is too expensive.


  • "Are you in some kind of trouble, Horatio?"
  • "Bruno : Financial trouble?"
  • "I can hear trouble from miles away!"
  • "Edward :I think this means Delavigne Corp is heading for financial trouble."
  • "Brian : We thought we might be in trouble, sir."
  • "I shoot my troubles!"
  • "If Greek tragedy has taught us anything (apart from the fact that we shouldn't sleep with our mothers), it is that too much pride, or hubris, brings nothing but trouble."
  • "Edward : He loves to shoot guns and get into trouble"

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