Tradução & Definição

treatment: tratamento noun
The water treatment plant is located outside the city. O centro de tratamento de água fica localizado fora da cidade.
NHS is trying to lower the cost of medical treatments for AIDS. O seguro social está tentando diminuir o custo do tratamento de AIDS.
No one in the office receives special treatment from Bruno, with the possible exception of Susie. Ninguém no escritório recebe tratamento especial por parte de Bruno, com a possível exceção de Susie.
mistreatment: abuso, maltrato noun
Many children in the world suffer from mistreatment at the hands of their parents. Muitas crianças no mundo sofrem maus tratos por parte de seus pais.


  • "I don't want any special treatment at work."
  • "Yesterday, during my "re-education" session, I endured cruel treatment that had but one goal: to remove the very essence of my Britishness."
  • "Seeing as this machine was only 9 months old, this replacement was not a result of aging, but of mistreatment."
  • "After all, you deserve the best treatment that only a very wealthy sub-section of the population can afford."
  • "I'm no psychologist, but I would suggest that Icarus look into treatment for some possible obsessive compulsive disorders."

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