Tradução & Definição

(a) training (session): (uma sessão) de treinamento nounadjective
A two-week training session on time management is required. Uma formação de duas semanas sobre a gestão do tempo de trabalho é obrigatória.
to train: formar, treinar verb
a trainer: um treinador, um formador, um professor noun
Atenção: trainers também quer dizer "calçados para praticar esporte."

UK: I'm training to be a teacher.
US: My trainer is helping me prepare for the Olympic Games.


  • "He was training Samantha – the new girl in the sales department."
  • "Bruno : Ok Brian, we've been training together for 2 weeks."
  • "Philip seems very satisfied with his training, so now I urge each of you to pursue a training program which will be beneficial not only to you, but the company as well."
  • "Happy training!"
  • "When Icarus asked for martial arts training, I never thought it would result in this."
  • "Our beloved director of sales, and ex-president of Cheeterland, Philip Cheeter, recently completed a unique weekend seminar as part of Delavigne Corp's training program. Here's a excerpt from a recent email exchange between the two of us"
  • "Anyway, I really appreciate the opportunity to pursue this type of unorthodox training at the company's expense, and I heartily recommend to the rest of the staff to follow through and do something similar."
  • "I'm joined in the cockpit by my co-pilot in training, Randy Williams. Randy happens to be blind, but we're happy to have him with us on his first flight."
  • "Subject: Training services for Delavigne staff members"

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