Tradução & Definição

to touch (a table): tocar (uma mesa) verb
touching: comovente adjective
a touch: um toque, um contato noun


  • "Moreover, I'm honoured and touched that you selected me to be the photographer for your first photoshoot!"
  • "No Randy, don't touch that, that's not the microphone."
  • "-Rule #1: You will not touch anything."
  • "Glen : Everyone please close your eyes, touch your thumb gently to your index finger, and chant with me... Ommmmmm. Brian, why don't you lead us off?"
  • "Guy : No Edward, don't touch this one."
  • "I'm just going to touch you here, ok?"
  • "They can't touch me!"
  • "Don't say that, Don't touch there"
  • "Face the wall, bend over and touch your toes."
  • "When we crossed paths in the corridor last month, I felt something deep in my bosom. At first I thought it was destiny, but now I realize it was your hand touching me inappropriately."

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Mais testemunhos.