Tradução & Definição

to strike: pegar, bater, golpear verb
Tome cuidado para não confundir isso com to go on strike (fazer greve).

Esse verbo é irregular
I strike / I struck / I have struck or stricken
stricken (with): danificado, atingido adjective
The entire country is stricken with poverty. O país inteiro é afligido pela pobreza.
Her face was stricken with guilt. A culpa estava estampada no seu rosto.
Even though Bruno Delavigne is stricken with anosmia, he is still able to run a perfume business. Mesmo sofrendo de anosmia, Bruno Delavigne ainda é capaz de dirigir uma empresa de perfume.

UK: I cried when I saw the man strike his dog. It struck me as very cruel.
US: Rachel comes from a poverty-stricken country.


  • "Bruno's head struck the windshield, and he immediately fell into a coma."
  • "We'll have to strike earlier than anticipated."
  • "It's a game played with a ball that is struck with the foot."
  • "Today, as my personal assistant Brian Jones and I explored this city and talked to the native people, I was struck by the differences between our two countries."
  • "So, the perfume killer has struck again!"
  • "I hate to be the one to ask this question, but rumors have been circulating that Bruno Delavigne is stricken with the terrible disease known as Anosmia."
  • "Each time I strike my triangle I am out of breath."
  • "Moira : Speaking of Mexico, or more precisely the Gulf of Mexico, an earthquake struck the west coast of central Florida last night."

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