Tradução & Definição

to share: compartilhar, dividir verb
Will you share your lunch with me? Você vai dividir seu almoço comigo?
a share: uma parte, uma porção noun
I have my share of responsibility in this, as well. Eu também tenho minha parte de responsabilidade nisso.
Share também é usado no mercado da bolsa de valores para falar de uma "ação" ou uma "participação".
I have shares in several oil companies. Tenhos ações em várias companhias petrolíferas.
(a) shared (bathroom): (um banheiro) compartilhado adjective

UK: Darling, I want to share everything with you!
US: Yes, but sharing the same toothbrush is not nice.


  • "The first apartment did not have a kitchenette, just a large sink on the floor of the living room. I presume the noisy basketball court it overlooked was the "shared garden" to which you referred."
  • "Thank you for allowing me to see into your lovely soul, and for sharing so much of yourself with me."
  • "Philip : I am indeed lucky to have met a woman who shares my love of feminist literature, my strict vegetarian diet and above all, who shares my belief in a monogamous marriage built on celibacy."
  • "Hannah : Philip, this was supposed to be a shared mission!"
  • "I can't wait to share Tonton Hubert's foie gras with you!"
  • "Warning: Sharing this information can lead to death, excommunication."
  • "On the other hand, if the company would like to reimburse me for this expense, I would be willing to share the stapler with the rest of the staff."
  • "Bruno : Edward, this food is considered a delicacy, and Jean wants to share his heritage with us!"
  • "invite you to share in the joy of the marriage"

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