Tradução & Definição

to look for: procurar, buscar verb
I'm looking for my pen. Estou procurando minha caneta.


  • "I'm looking for a game of poker for my horse."
  • "Bruno : Well, I suppose I'm looking for someone intelligent, kind, with a good sense of humor."
  • "Brian : Bruno, sir, if you want me to help you find the perfect date, you should start by telling me what you're looking for in a lover."
  • "You neglected to mention where the conference is being held, however I do recommend the Bristol Arms Hotel if you're looking for a place to stay."
  • "It says, "looking for a good time?"
  • "It's just that we're looking for a friend of ours, we're not sure if he's still alive, and we've got to find him and then get off this island."
  • "Philip : Instead we're looking for a bear!"
  • "Brian : Chuk-Chuk, I am looking for answers."
  • "Harold, I'm not looking for a prostitute for my horse!"
  • "We're looking for Bruno, we don't have a specific destination in mind!"

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