Tradução & Definição

to grab: agarrar, segurar verb
Nice grab! Boa pegada!
to grab a bite beliscar comida
to grab a drink ir beber umas


  • "Brian : Horatio grabbed me and started running, but then something terrible happened to him. He ran into a tree!"
  • "And Joan, if you don't mind, and if it's not too much trouble, could you please grab the beer from the fridge?"
  • "Bob the Brit : You heard the man, Corsican, I'll grab the money and then we'll get out of here."
  • "Sydney : I'll grab the barbie and my didgeridoo."
  • "Howsabout I grab the money?"
  • "I was just going to grab a hot dog."
  • "The Corsican : Why do you get to grab the money?"
  • "Congratulations, you've made the decision to grab the brass ring"

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