Tradução & Definição

to approve ("sthg" or "of sthg"): aprovar, autorizar, aceitar, permitir (algo) verb
Your proposal has been approved. Sua proposta foi aprovada.
to disapprove (of a decision): desaprovar, reprovar, rejeitar, recusar (uma decisão) verb


  • "This is the last board meeting of the year, where we review this year's results, approve the budget for the upcoming year, and forecast next year's growth."
  • "67% of Americans APPROVE of the job the President is NOT doing."
  • "Now, I'd like to open the floor for discussion, and eventually a vote to approve the new budget proposals."
  • "However, all Delavigne products are tested and approved by the FDA."
  • "Icarus : Then I'll have to recommend to Bruno and to the board that your supplies must be pre-approved by... me!"
  • "Philip : I review and approve the final billing of our major clients prior to their invoice."
  • "Last week, an opinion poll showed that 67% of Americans of voting age disapprove of the job the US President Tom Shrub is currently doing."
  • "Last year, we approved a salary increase, a pension fund, a new health plan with the best HMO in California and even spousal benefits!"
  • "The company will work only with manufacturers approved by human rights watchdog group P."
  • "I could easily say that 67% of Americans APPROVE of the job the President is NOT doing."

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