Tradução & Definição

to access: acessar, chegar a, alcançar verb
You can access the roof by climbing the chimney. Você pode chegar ao telhado subindo pela chaminé.
I've accessed the database by hacking their security system. Eu acessei o banco de dados, violando o sistema de segurança.
the access: o acesso, a entrada, a passagem noun
This is a restricted area, you have no access here. Esta é uma área restrita, você não tem acesso.
access denied acesso negado, entrada proibida
an all access pass um passe de acesso


  • "Although I wasn't allowed access to Miss Stake's personal files, I have compiled a short checklist of three of the most common issues in efficiency reviews."
  • "There's no good reason why a six-year-old child should have access to a gun, much less bring a gun to school."
  • "You have full access to the internet but will be unable to download files on to your computer."
  • "She asks that no emails be sent to her while she is not in the office, as she won't have access to her computer."
  • "They could save us money, and have access to tickets which are unlisted on travel websites."
  • "I would like the main bedroom to have direct access to the bathroom and plenty of storage space."
  • "And in Bolivia, you may even be denied access to your salary if you don't vote in an election!"
  • "Rajard : Well, our online tech support has access to shipping information, if you pay them a visit they should be able to find your fan."
  • "He had asked if I could hold a bottle of benzyl acetate for a moment, and I hadn't access to my pad."
  • "- Never deactivate the firewall we have installed for you, even if it prevents you from accessing certain websites (which are, as it happens, not appropriate for the workplace)."

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O seu método é único! Os seus cursos me ajudaram a progredir e a ganhar confiança durante as minhas viagens ao exterior...



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Mais testemunhos.