Tradução & Definição

the title (of the book): o título (do livro) noun
(the book is) titled (Harry Potter): (O livro é) intitulado (Harry Potter) adjective


  • "In related news, the city of Houston, Texas can once again claim the title of "America's fattest city", narrowly beating New Orleans for the dubious distinction."
  • "Jean : Wow, catchy title!"
  • "This story has become a global sensation nearly overnight, and so we at Radio Rhubarb have titled our coverage of the story "Watergate"... What's that?"
  • "And that title alienates men."
  • "Report Title: Cosmetics Buying and Attitudes Among Modern Men"
  • "They have been featured in such classic films as "ET" and "Alien", though those titles are misleading."
  • "It was a French film: the American title was "Henry's Sad Adventure"."

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