Tradução & Definição

this evening: esta noite


  • "Congratulations, and on behalf of the Delavigne Corporation, we would just like to thank you for including us in your ceremony this evening."
  • "I just wanted to inform you that I've made arrangements for your flight to Boston this evening."
  • "Bruno : Actually, Tinkerbell has something else in mind for this evening - a little "action"... if you know what I mean."
  • "I would be very pleased if you could join me for a light snack and perhaps a beverage this evening at the "Pen and Parchment" bar on Montgomery Street at 7:45 pm sharp."
  • "The mail will be collected this evening, not to mention I have this report to finish!"
  • "Now you're probably wondering why I invited you all here this evening."
  • "My name is Cindy, I'll be your flight attendant this evening."
  • "Please go to Horatio's laboratory at 6pm this evening, where you will be joined by fellow "volunteers", Hannah Benedict (Head of Retail) and Edward Moon (British intern)."
  • "I'll check my itinerary and email you my answer by this evening."
  • "Jean : Yes, this is this evening's menu."

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Gosto de fazer os meus lições de francês online. Cerca de dez minutos por dia é suficiente... Obrigado!



Adoro o método inovador de aprender uma língua enquanto me divirto!



O seu método é único! Os seus cursos me ajudaram a progredir e a ganhar confiança durante as minhas viagens ao exterior...



Gymglish me permitiu melhorar minha expressão oral e escrita em francês. Uma rotina diária que eu não perderia por nada no mundo!

Mais testemunhos.