Tradução & Definição

thirty: trinta noun


  • "That's one hundred and thirty five years of pension payments!"
  • "With over thirty stores nationwide, the Perfume Hut is a major player in the fragrance game."
  • "This happened three times (yes, three!) in less than thirty seconds."
  • "Philip : Thirty thousand ey?"
  • "This is my dad about thirty years ago, and this woman right next to him, I think that that is-"
  • "Three thousand and thirty three, you are like a son to me."
  • "Also, please remember to be available for the thirty minutes before the meeting, in case Bruno wishes to begin early."
  • "My birthday is thirty January."
  • "Taxi Driver : This is not at all my problem. You owe me thirty dollars for the ride, and shut the door on your way out."
  • "Also, please remember to be available for the thirty minutes prior to the appointment, in case Bruno wishes to begin early."

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Mais testemunhos.