Tradução & Definição

a theory: uma teoria noun


  • "In theory, Rebecca should love TigerLily;"
  • "There is a theory that drunken wizards are responsible for the deaths of some 5,000 pigeons across the United Kingdom in the last year."
  • "It's such a good idea in theory!"
  • "I'm going to talk to you today in my role as an "entrepreneur" about the importance of networking, and a theory called the "six degrees of separation" which could help you be as successful and rich as me."
  • "To start earning your wings, we offer a two-hour introductory training session with Captain Donny Dare which includes an hour of theory and cookies, then a one-hour flight in a small, easy-to-fly sport plane."
  • "So in theory, Janine, for how long would... someone... receive this free money?"
  • "Smithson's theory is that the mother's worry may stimulate the fetus' brain."
  • "Harold Warbuckle : The theory of "Six Degrees of Separation" says that any person on the planet is connected to any other person through six relationships."
  • "Then I discovered the theory of "six degrees of separation", and if you stick with me, I'll tell you what it is."

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