Tradução & Definição

the media: a mídia (meios de comunicação) noun


  • "Man-hours lost to the Internet are just one aspect of the media overload in this journalist's humble opinion."
  • "New media continues to complicate and distract."
  • "Don't wanna be an American idiot, Don't want a nation under the new media"
  • "Susie : Horatio, your stunt last night has brought us a ton of media attention."
  • "He and his media friends have been giving me trouble, and I'm afraid it's the last thing I need right now, what with my recent bear-shooting scandal."
  • "Why doesn't the media concentrate on more positive things, that's my question."
  • "My schedule isn't important at all because tonight, the thing you're forgetting, is the shareholders meeting, where I have to address the shareholders, employees and the media to tell them about Horatio!"
  • "they control the media, the global economy, the press, the government, the weather and the menu at the Delavigne cafeteria."
  • "Although the media has been banned from the meetings, sources have reported yelling, dogs barking, and numerous bottles breaking during the negotiations."
  • "You're a media darling!"

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