Tradução & Definição

to tender one's resignation: apresentar, pedir sua demissão idiom
to tender: oferecer, apresentar, submeter verb
a resignation: uma demissão noun


  • "The principle reason for my resignation is my fear of being murdered."
  • "Bethany : ...and this letter may be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to attempt settlement."
  • "Karen Hughes : I'm here to tender my resignation."
  • "By simply accepting Mrs. Hughes' resignation, you could have spared the company this expense, which would have been greatly appreciated."
  • "It has recently come to Bruno's attention that you fired Karen Hughes, a retail manager who came to you in order to offer you her resignation."
  • "I am writing to officially tender my written notice of resignation from the Delavigne Corporation, effective two weeks from today."
  • "It was an incredible coincidence that the day after our Director of Personnel received your application for employment, she tendered her own resignation, without notice."
  • "If the matter is not resolved within four business days, I may commence legal proceedings to recover the debt, without further notice to you, and this letter may be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to attempt settlement."

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