Tradução & Definição
Tell me...: Diga-me...
Tell me, how's your mother doing? Diga-me, como vai sua mãe?
Tell me about (yourself!): Fale-me de (você!)
- "You can tell me Bruno."
- "You can tell me about your little corporation later."
- "Just one room, baby, tell me you have a room!"
- "Alright, you can open them. Tell me what you see."
- "Please tell me he's okay!"
- "Edward : Yeah, but MacCheeter, tell me, why did you need Hannah's Tic-Tacs and my money?"
- "Tell me all about this "Australia"."
- "Dr. Loblaw : Now, Mr. Gidyeon, look into this mirror and tell me what you see."
- "Just one night, baby, tell me you have a room!"
- "Krazy Gidyeon : No, you tell me - that's what I pay you for!"
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