Tradução & Definição

to state: expressar, escrever, precisar, declarar verb
To state tem uma conotação oficial:
The president states his ideas clearly. O presidente expressa suas ideias claramente.
It is stated in the office handbook that smoking is prohibited in the building. Está escrito no manual da empresa que é proibido fumar dentro do prédio.
a nation-state: um estado-nação noun
The United States (of America) Os Estados Unidos
a state (of mind): um estado (de espírito) noun

UK: I stated my objections very clearly.
US: There are two states in America: rich and poor.


  • "Not to mention that it is illegal to drive in most states without at least some liability insurance."
  • "Elevator : Please state your floor and the type of music you would like to listen to."
  • "Industrial Fruit Concern Inc. has stated that if they acquire the juice business, they plan to completely change the company culture and business model, create hundreds of soulless storefronts across the world, and pretty much ruin everything that made it unique."
  • "State your name and purpose!"
  • "Vicar : Please state your full name."
  • "Steffi : Yes, the invoice states that each unit costs 29 dollars, however we agreed on a price of 31 dollars per unit."
  • "What do you mean, "state your intention"?"
  • "The capital of the state of New York is Albany."
  • "And will the bride please state her full name before the congregation?"
  • "Will the groom please state his name before the congregation?"

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