Tradução & Definição

a star: uma estrela noun
a four-star hotel um hotel de quatro estrelas
Marilyn Monroe was a huge star of her day. Marilyn Monroe foi uma grande estrela de seu tempo.
to star (in a film): estrelar (em um filme) verb
I want to star in their next movie. Eu gostaria de estrelar no próximo filme deles.
It's a comedy starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. É uma comédia estrelando Tom Hanks e Meg Ryan.


  • "This is the moment you've waited your whole life for: a voyage to the great unknown, a trek to the stars!"
  • "Everyone knows that stars do drugs."
  • "Bruno : Brighton, the star of the show!"
  • "We received 7.5 out of 10 stars."
  • "This room is where Hollywood stars are "intimate" with themselves and others."
  • "I want to give you the moon and the stars and the sun, and I want to get you a small planet if you want!"
  • "Despite his humble beginnings in the deepest, darkest Amazon, General Oléré stood out like a shining star."
  • "This room is where Hollywood stars are "intimate"."
  • "It's where the stars "experiment" with different substances."

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Mais testemunhos.