Tradução & Definição

widespread: generalizado, disseminado, geral adjective
widespread panic pânico generalizado
to spread: extender, expandir, propagar, disseminar verb

Esse verbo é irregular
I spread / I spread / I have spread

UK: I love spreading Marmite all over my toast!
US: Unemployment is a widespread problem.


  • "Since last Wednesday, an extremely dangerous virus has been infecting computers in homes and offices all over the world, and it's spreading quickly."
  • "From the seed of the mind, a tree of enlightenment will grow, and from this tree will spread the branches that carry the ripened fruit of perfect buddhahood."
  • "Then we'll need an education branch to spread our Western propaganda, I'll probably have to wear some local garb to fit in... possibly a burka or sarong... I do look forward to that... Dammit Edward!"
  • "From the seed of the mind, a tree of enlightenment will grow, and from this tree will spread the branches that carry the ripened fruit of compassion."
  • "Faced with the threat of a flu pandemic, researchers from Paris have developed a deterrent that could stop the virus from spreading."
  • "'The march may be infiltrated by liberal radicals intent on spreading anti-American propaganda and denouncing traditional American values."
  • "Beach friend​​​​​​​ : Spread your cream all over my limbs."
  • "The second part of the scam, and the part which is helping it to spread at such frightening speeds, is the attachment."
  • "Spread the love."

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Mais testemunhos.