Tradução & Definição

to spit: cuspir verb
Don't spit on your grandmother! Não cuspa na sua avó!


  • "Bruno : You spit a lot."
  • "They never swear and spit, and my god, they look good in those tight shirts!"
  • "Actually, to be more specific, he spit on my shoe and called me a bourgeois pig."
  • "Philip : Just as soon as I'm finished spitting this important message: "Must use toilet immediately, ate burrito for breakfast."
  • "I'm Spitting."
  • "I'm Spitting - using "Spitter" on my mobile phone!"
  • "(spit)."
  • "I love spitting!"
  • "Edward : You're spitting?"
  • "He isn't very fond of socialists, especially those who spit on his shoes."

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