Tradução & Definição

(to make, to deliver) a speech: (fazer, dar) um discurso noun


  • "I'd have to write a speech quickly."
  • "This speech is a tradition that was started by my father, K-k-k-k- King George."
  • "The board of the IACF thought it only fitting that you, one of the true pioneers in the fragrance and cosmetic community, deliver the speech to mark the Vicennial anniversary of our organization."
  • "And I was giving the speech for our graduating class."
  • "Dr. Loblaw : Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the scientific study of anomalous speech patterns - also known as the "crazy accent contest"."
  • "Welcome to my Christmas speech."
  • "Why don't you have Brian make the reservations for you, and we can get started on your speech after lunch?"
  • "In a speech to the House of Commons, Sir Bear called into question the accepted science that the emission of greenhouse gases is contributing to global warming."
  • "Bruno : I haven't prepared a speech, and I really don't like flying across the country on such short notice."
  • "In fact, you're as bad as some of my speech therapy patients."

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Gosto de fazer os meus lições de francês online. Cerca de dez minutos por dia é suficiente... Obrigado!



Adoro o método inovador de aprender uma língua enquanto me divirto!



O seu método é único! Os seus cursos me ajudaram a progredir e a ganhar confiança durante as minhas viagens ao exterior...



Gymglish me permitiu melhorar minha expressão oral e escrita em francês. Uma rotina diária que eu não perderia por nada no mundo!

Mais testemunhos.