Tradução & Definição

a snail: um escargot, um caracol noun


  • "Rogers, known for his radical and innovative buildings, has designed a structure which resembles a snail."
  • "Bruno : We'll start with some champagne please, and then the snails as an appetizer."
  • "Bruno : I said 'I hope they bring us many snails'."
  • ""The building is in the form of an organic spiral and honors the work of Xavier Delavigne who loved to eat snail soup while working on his early perfumes in France," he said."
  • "Potatoes and snails and mustard"
  • "Here, have a snail."
  • "Icarus : Well, we're lucky to have a number of new recruits in our team. We have a gang of snails who handle our outgoing payments."
  • "Icarus : We're lucky to have a number of new recruits in our team. We have a gang of snails who handle our outgoing payments."
  • "Which do I like better, snails or oysters?"
  • "Bruno : I said "I hope they bring us many snails"."

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