Tradução & Definição

slow: lento adjective
Horatio is slow at responding to emails. Horatio demora para responder os emails.
to slow or to slow down: desacelerar, reduzir a velocidade, atrasar verb
All this extra weight is slowing me down:I will have to leave some things behind if I am going to reach the top of the mountain before tomorrow. Todo esse excesso de peso está me atrasando: Eu terei de deixar algumas coisas atrás para alcançar o topo da montanha antes de amanhã.
Slow down! Tell me the story from the beginning. Acalme-se! Conte-me a história desde o início.


  • "He was a good worker but he needed to consume food and water regularly, which slowed me down."
  • "Stephanie : Well, they do have a very slow metabolism, and it takes them hours to digest."
  • "Bruno : I got tired of Brian Jones, he was a good worker but he needed to consume food and water regularly, which slowed me down."
  • "The outsourcing boom shows no signs of slowing: India, China and the Philippines have been targets for western businesses for some time now."
  • "Driving too slow?"
  • "If you'll just let me explain the reason for our slower growth this quarter, I'm sure you'll see that it's just temporary."
  • "AFS machine : But times are tough, the economy is slow"
  • "The slower growth this quarter is mainly due to new hirings."

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Mais testemunhos.