Tradução & Definição

to shift: mudar, alterar, transladar, alternar, passar de um lado para o outro verb
To shift expressa um deslocamento "lateral":
He shifted the backpack from his right shoulder to his left. Ele passou a mochila do seu ombro direito para o esquerdo.
We have shifted our focus from teenagers to senior citizens.
a shift uma mudança
a (work) shift: um turno (de trabalho) noun
On Mondays, my shift at the factory begins at 7:30, and ends at 5:00 pm. Nas segundas-feiras, meu turno na fábrica começa às 7:30 e vai até as 17:00.
the night shift o turno da noite

UK: After a brief introduction, the focus shifted to the issue of the day.
US: I'm working the late shift tonight.


  • ""The shift to a new logo symbolizes the strategic transformation under way at Delavigne Corp."
  • "While the print media has indeed been critical of your company recently, we propose focusing on Delavigne's Internet presence to shift the narrative from tabloid gossip to the high quality profiles and experience of your staff."
  • "I will meet you Thursday evening at the factory, at 6:00 PM. Do not worry about bothering the employees, they are used to working irregular hours and shifts."
  • "I will meet you Thursday evening at the factory, at 6.00 PM. Don't worry about bothering the employees, they are used to working irregular hours and shifts."
  • "Bjorn : Last week, the balance of power in the Swedish Parliament shifted from the left to the right."
  • "Good luck with the rest of your shift, sucker!"

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