Tradução & Definição

a shareholder: um acionista noun
I have to attend the shareholders' meeting next Friday. Eu tenho que ir a reunião dos acionistas na próxima sexta-feira.
the shareholders os acionistas, a assembléia financeira


  • "Philip : Well Hannah, the shareholder meetings for Indigo Motel are going to be very interesting."
  • "Our very healthy profits in the first half of this year will not only result in generous dividends for our shareholders, but will in large part be re-invested into generating even better results."
  • "The Board is pleased to inform shareholders that the dividend per share will be 16.3¢."
  • "Indigo Motel is selling shares on their website, and I just bought a ton of them. As soon as they raise $150,000 they'll use that money to record, promote and distribute their first album. As a shareholder, I will receive a cut of all sales and licensing."
  • "First of all, you'll be happy to know that despite Bruno's absence, our shareholders still have confidence in us."
  • "My schedule isn't important at all because tonight, the thing you're forgetting, is the shareholders meeting, where I have to address the shareholders, employees and the media to tell them about Horatio!"
  • "However, despite my tastes and means, I cannot be expected to keep buying fine art out of my own pocket, and I will bring up the matter of finances at the next shareholders meeting."
  • "Staff, employees, shareholders, homeless people just here for the free food, I ask you to look into your hearts: I ask you to support the Delavigne Corporation in this time of trouble."
  • "Small shareholders are what keeps a good company honest, that's what I've always said."

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