Tradução & Definição

to scare (someone): assustar, espantar (alguém) verb
The movie really scared me. O filme me assustou de verdade.
to give somebody a scare: assustar alguém, dar um susto em alguém noun
to be scared (of something): estar assustado, estar com medo, ter medo (de alguma coisa) verb
I am scared of sea cucumbers. Tenho medo dos pepinos-do-mar.
You look scared. Você parece assustado(a).
scary: assustador, que dá medo adjective
She has a very scary face! Ela tem um rosto muito assustador.

UK: Are you scared of spiders?
US: I saw a very scary horror film the other day.


  • "The world is full of people who are too scared to take chances."
  • "Joan Wayne attempted to scare the shark by firing at its dorsal fin, then challenged the shark to a duel, running into the water with pistols drawn."
  • "The possibility of a Brexit - an exit for Britain from the European Union - is very real, and frankly I'm scared."
  • "Eccentric interviewer, scared of mice"
  • "You are scaring them."
  • "I'm not scared for myself of course - I'm standing behind 3 layers of bulletproof glass in my very own Brent-Mobile, inspired by the Pope's vehicle."
  • "Democracy has already been to Kazakhstan, and England is a scary, undeveloped country that we should avoid at all costs."
  • "No, I am scared for the people of this nation, and others across the planet."
  • "Bruno : No, you're scared?"
  • "It's not that I'm scared of committing to Betty, it's just that with my history, I'm afraid it might be impossible."

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