Tradução & Definição

(Do you have any) salt?: (Você tem) sal? noun
salty: salgado adjective
to salt (a dish): salgar (um prato) verb


  • "Horatio : These are twisted salt cakes, but people call them "pretzels"."
  • "Hannah, could you pass me the salt, please?"
  • "From next year, sugary, fatty, and salty foods will carry more than just a red flag with nutrition details."
  • "Horatio : These are twisted salt cakes, but people call them pretzels."
  • "Masculine. Salty. Virile."
  • "Studies show that the current "traffic light" labelling system - red, amber and green labels representing the amounts of salt, sugar, and fat - for foods on sale in supermarkets is reasonably common, but not effective enough in reducing obesity."
  • "Bacon and eggs (with salt)"

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