Tradução & Definição

a reputation: uma reputação noun
Philip has a reputation of being quite a lady's man. Philip tem a reputação de ser um mulherengo.

UK: That firm has a very good reputation.
US: The scandal damaged his reputation.


  • "Edward Marley : Well, you could lose your health, you could lose your soul, you could lose your reputation, you could lose your trousers, you could lose your fortune..."
  • "A big event like this could destroy our reputation!"
  • "Instead, I intend to ruin the reputation of a good man through a combination of rumors, internet research and wild speculation*."
  • "Please find below our personalized suggestions for new profiles for your managers on the social media site, LockedIn, based on what we know about each of them. We think that this "facelift" will improve the company's reputation and even provide new business opportunities."
  • "Despite their reputation for spontaneous combustion in the 1930s, airships are back."
  • "Congratulations on choosing Slick Brand Solutions to help repair your company's shattered reputation following your truly embarrassing nude photo leak."
  • "The only way to avoid lasting damage to our reputation is to terminate Ivana's contract immediately, and make a public statement deploring her behavior!"
  • "And besides, when Michelangelo agreed to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for Pope Julius the second did it harm his reputation?"
  • "With just a few minor tweaks and several hundred billable hours, we are fairly certain that the Delavigne Corporation can restore its reputation at least for a few months - that's the Slick Brand Solutions guarantee*."
  • "In order to improve our organization's reputation for service, here are some proven customer service guidelines that I have found particularly beneficial"

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Mais testemunhos.