Tradução & Definição

a report: um informe, uma informação, uma notícia, uma reportagem noun
The weather report predicts blue skies for today. O informe meteorológico prevê céu azul para hoje.
Could you have that report finished by Wednesday? Você poderia terminar a reportagem até quarta-feira?
Did you read the report on last week's meeting? Você leu o informe da reunião de semana passada?
I saw a news report on successful young companies. Vi uma reportagem sobre novas empresas bem-sucedidas.
to report: informar, denunciar, comunicar. verb
Susie reports directly to Bruno once a week. Susie apresenta seus informes diretamente a Bruno uma vez por semana
You must report the car accident to the insurance company. Você deve comunicar o acidente de carro à empresa seguradora.
a reporter: um repórter, um jornalista noun

UK: I reported him to the police for indecent exposure.
US: Have you read the report I sent you?


  • "Anosmia may be permanent, although a handful of patients have reported a full recovery."
  • "Brent : Hello everyone, I'm Brent Vanderplop reporting live from London, England."
  • "Eyewitness report by: CLIVE THE BEER VENDOR"
  • "I should really report you to the police, but I will take great pleasure in dealing with this matter personally."
  • "Moira : Thanks for that "report," boys."
  • "Celebrity - Reporting news about celebrities, because they are better than you!"
  • "For those of you just tuning in, it was reported that the eccentric perfume magnate was piloting a hot air balloon while drunk when he lost control of the machine."
  • "And he's helping us with our paper recycling system. He's very efficient at chewing confidential financial reports."
  • "MP3 attached to the report."

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