Tradução & Definição

a quarter (coin): um "quarter" (moeda de 25 centavos nos Estados Unidos da América) noun
Um quarter é uma moeda de 25 centavos nos Estados Unidos. Um quarter literalmente significa "um quarto" (1/4). Ele é frequentemente empregado sozinho, com significações diversas.
a quarter (25 cents) Um quarto de dólar
the (Latin) quarter: O bairro (latino) noun
a (financial) quarter: um trimestre (financeiro) noun
quarterly: trimestralmente adverb

UK: Villon lived in the Latin Quarter of Paris.
US: Could you lend me a quarter? I need a cola.


  • "Bob : But it's only a quarter to two!"
  • "You know how it works: we'll look at how your Delavigne products have been selling this quarter, what you'd like to order more of, what you've still got in stock, etc."
  • "Bordello Breeze: last quarter you ordered 50,000 units."
  • "Brian : It's a temporary downturn in economic activity, usually indicated by two consecutive quarters of a falling GDP."
  • "According to my records, you bought 30,000 units last quarter."
  • "Krazy Gidyeon's Perfume is slashing prices on all Delavigne perfumes as part of our crazy quarterly liquidation sale!"
  • "To say thank you for all your hard work lately, and to celebrate our moderately successful first quarter sales, I'm pleased to announce that the senior staff of the Delavigne Corporation will be taking a team-building trip this weekend!"
  • "When we arrived in Paris, he took me to a restaurant in the Latin quarter for a romantic dinner."
  • "And then I'm supposed to have a meeting with Philip and talk about the sales budget for the next quarter, and I just know he's going to ask me for more stuff that I can't afford to allocate him, and - well - you know what Philip's like, and... It's just too much, mommy!"
  • "I've got your orders from last quarter right in front of me, so let's get the ball rolling."

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