Tradução & Definição

to provide (somebody with something): prover, proporcionar, fornecer (algo a alguém) verb
I cannot provide you with any more information. Não posso lhe fornecer mais informações.
The picnic will provide an opportunity to meet each other. O piquenique será uma oportunidade de nos conhecermos.

UK: I provided delicious vegan food for the wedding.
US: Umbrellas will be provided if it rains.


  • "An all-you-can-eat bagel bar will be provided."
  • "Philip : Ahem, ahem. Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to my first exhibition, I hope you're enjoying the fine art on display as well as the nachos and fruit punch I've generously provided."
  • "He, she or it shall provide me with loyal companionship, unconditional love, and occasionally snuggle with me when I am feeling blue."
  • "Please find below our personalized suggestions for new profiles for your managers on the social media site, LockedIn, based on what we know about each of them. We think that this "facelift" will improve the company's reputation and even provide new business opportunities."
  • "As you can see, the company has provided the requisite amount of alcohol and sustenance for you to quote unquote "enjoy yourselves", and yet it still seems that you are not 100% thrilled with the festivities!"
  • "It provides shelter, but little solace."
  • "He is not your average 12 year old, so we have provided you with a short list of suggestions and guidelines"
  • "Coffee will be provided, tea can be brewed on your own time."
  • "I am confident that you will help us preserve our existing client base and provide our clients with excellent customer service, as well as discovering new opportunities for our products."
  • "Everyone must choose their own path, but thanks to the fine education that this school has provided for us, we have a solid foundation on which to build."

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Gosto de fazer os meus lições de francês online. Cerca de dez minutos por dia é suficiente... Obrigado!



Adoro o método inovador de aprender uma língua enquanto me divirto!



O seu método é único! Os seus cursos me ajudaram a progredir e a ganhar confiança durante as minhas viagens ao exterior...



Gymglish me permitiu melhorar minha expressão oral e escrita em francês. Uma rotina diária que eu não perderia por nada no mundo!

Mais testemunhos.