Tradução & Definição

to protect: proteger verb
a protection: uma proteção noun
protective: protetor adjective


  • "I want to protect my home from burglars please."
  • "- Protective coveralls."
  • "It is therefore only natural that birds should benefit from the same protection and fashion sense as us."
  • "Since then, great auntie Margaret has contacted Trading Standards (the consumer protection agency), but we don't know if she'll ever get her money back."
  • "Professor Hyppolyte Fabuleux said "Ever since the French flu pandemic of 1873, our nation has worn scarves to protect against the common cold and flu."
  • "Your mission for this week, should you choose to accept it: Protect your home in whatever way you see fit, and start sleeping better at night."
  • "The scarf would protect the birds by preventing them from breathing in infected air particles."
  • "Furthermore, support of local businesses, farmers and stores is one way to protect local jobs."
  • "Brian : But, I use protection!"
  • "I bet they want me to join the bureau to protect the country."

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